Diamond Chiropractic CT

518 Monroe Tpke., Monroe, CT  06468
Ph. (203) 452-0799 / Fax (203) 452-0405
HomeAbout Dr. DiamondAbout UsClientsContact UsInspirationsReading RoomServices

Contact Us
At Diamond Chiropractic CT, our attentive staff is available Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to answer all of your questions and ensure you are 100% satisfied.
Monday       8:30 AM - 6 PM
Wednesday  8:30 AM - 6 PM
Friday          8:30 AM - 6 PM

518 Monroe Tpke., Monroe, CT 06468
Ph. (203) 452-0799 / Fax (203) 452-0405
email: diamondchiropracticct@gmail.com